23rd June 2023.
Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Housing and Productivity Contributions) Bill.
"I thank the Government for introducing this policy. I also thank the member for Newtown for making her contribution to debate short and sharp because every day this is delayed it costs my area, which is getting more houses, more people and less infrastructure. It is really exciting that infrastructure will be supported by housing and productivity contributions. At the moment, as everybody knows, my electorate has very scant infrastructure. We have an area the size of the Sydney metropolitan area with two high schools. I know that while not all the contributions will be coming to my electorate, some of them will hopefully fall into areas where we need infrastructure like the Picton bypass. I know that I say it over and again, but this will save the lives of people in the Wollondilly electorate. I thank the Government and I thank those who sent the bill to the other House for consideration. I look forward to the legislation being in place."