Negotiating and successfully amending the Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Housing and Productivity Contributions) Bill 2023 to include consideration of existing infrastructure through previously held contribution schemes.
Speaking from NSW Parliament, Judy Hannan MP said “Currently we have contribution schemes inconsistent and often unstarted in growth areas. For example the Wilton Growth Area originally had a contribution scheme from land owners for over $50,000 per block”
Continuing, Judy Hannan MP said, “This existing system is unfair and requires residents of Wollondilly to foot the bill of infrastructure needed that we have never had.”
On the need for infrastructure and work on the Bill Independent Member for Wakehurst Michael Regan MP stated, “I thank the Member for Wollondilly with her and her staff’s work on this… the Member for Wollondilly, also known as the Member for the Picton Bypass knows this well.”
Contributing to the debate in Parliament, Judy Hannan MP said “Over 40,000 homes are due to come into the Wollondilly electorate alone, take that and the larger development in the surrounding regions and it is shameful that there has been no guarantee from those who sat here previously for the infrastructure that we need. The base of schools and neighbourhood centres is one thing, the amount of people moving to the Macarthur region, the original second city of NSW, is astounding.”
Judy Hannan MP’s amendment after an amendment was approved, voted in unanimously in the detail stage, getting support from the Coalition for the amendment for the motion.. The Minister for Planning Paul Scully MP recognised her work thanking her in Parliament and the possibility of the Picton Bypass being delivered as part of the new fairer contribution scheme. “To the Member for Wollondillys point and the need for infrastructure in the region, in particular the Picton Bypass. I know it, I’ve been delayed because of it and I hope we are able to work together to fix it,” Minister Scully MP said.
Reply Speech Video:
Reply Speech Text:
Minister Reply Video:
Amendment and Vote Video:
Amendment Speech: