17th August 2023.
Planning Department Review In Development In Wollondilly Welcomed.
The Independent Member for Wollondilly today has welcomed an announcement from the Planning Minister to review the developments connected to Walkers Corporation and the Appin approved developments.
“There are many issues with this application and the way that this has been approved. I have met with the Minister for Planning and since then I have also made representations to the entire Cabinet including the Premier and Ministers for Roads, Health, Education, Emergency Services, Environment, Roads, Transport, Water and Local Government about my concerns with rezoning proposals and planning in general.”
“The inadequate planning of the former Government should not be an excuse for this Government to let things continue the way they were. The residents of South West Sydney deserve better than wall to wall houses and to be a political football passed between Liberal and Labor. The announcement of review goes a way to restore confidence but there are many questions that still need answers.”
“With no infrastructure planned, no schools, no health facilities and no water facilities the bill to the Government to make this happen is in the billions. We need to do Planning better, it's not just about release of land, it should be release of infrastructure.”
“I have raised the matters with the Government in good faith, I understand this was a decision of the former Government and the commitment the Minister has given gives me great hope.”
“The review should cover the entire scope of the process, from the Technical Assurance Panel and Fast Track process, to act without oversight by the elected Council, the engagement with the former Minister and the needs of the community for the infrastructure for the homes that are now approved in Wollondilly.”