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Media Release - Stop the Tradie Tax

10th November 2023

Stop The Tradie Tax

“Wollondilly and the Southern Highlands are home to one of the highest numbers of tradies, our tradies are being forced to work outside of the area because the Government won't let us build granny flats and our land is restricted!”

“The tradies of Wollondilly are forced to deal with extra costs. Costs of travel, the costs of not being able to use our land, the costs of economic development and the cost of the environment through the approval of mass developments. Add to this the common delays and costs of developments that hurt small providers plus requirements that are old building standards that raise costs and provide little environmental benefits such as current BASIX requirements. With an area home to one of the highest representations of tradies, this all amounts to a Tradie Tax.”

“We are hit in a number of ways, The Airport has restricted the right to build granny flats; Our land is locked up to allow big developers to clear their land; Delays and costs of developments plus requirements that are old such as BASIX. It’s time to stop this tax on our area, I’m asking everyone to sign the petition today!”

“It is not right that today you can build on one block a 20 bedroom home but you cannot build two 3 bedroom homes on the same block. It is not right that we cannot build small affordable homes, known as granny flats, on our land for our children and elderly parents. It is not right that our tradies have to travel up the M5 and M4 to work on the homes of people in Penrith, Parramatta and Penshurst, but they cannot do the same work in Wilton and Warragamba. It is not right that the major developers are able to put in thousands of homes with no infrastructure while our land is used to justify their environmental destruction.”

“To help stop this unfair tax on the tradies of Wollondilly I am collecting signatures to a petition that I will present to NSW Parliament.”

Sign the petition here: