13th September 2023.
My question is to the Minister for Transport representing the Minister for Roads, can the Minister confirm what is the cost of the 2km stretch of road that RMS has recommended as Corridor 9 which will join Remembrance Driveway and Picton Road, known as the Picton Bypass. Can the Minister provide if no exact costings have been done, the estimate RMS has come up with for the project after millions have been spent on planning for the last 35 years for this same recommended bypass.
Judy Hannan MP today has welcomed the announcement of the Picton Bypass to be included in the 2023-24 NSW State Budget that will be presented on Tuesday 19th 2023.
“This brings a project of over 35 years close to fruition. Previous Governments have made announcements but have never included this as a line item or actually fund the project” said Judy Hannan MP.
“For years planning has taken place on the same stretch of road and it is about time that we have this project started. I thank the Minister for Transport the Hon. Jo Haylen MP and Premier Minns for his support for the project and recognition of the needs of the people of Wollondilly” said Judy Hannan MP.
“We have had generations of party politicians representing our area and Wollondilly has missed out. For too long Wollondilly has been a political football and finally we have people put before politics” said Judy Hannan MP.
“We know the Picton community want this bypass built. That's why I am very pleased to inform the Member planning will continue and funding for the Picton bypass will be included in the budget next Tuesday” Minister for Transport, representing the Minister for Roads in the Assembly the Hon. Jo Haylen MP said.
“Our government isn’t going to take this lightly, we are going to meet the commitments we have made, and also we are listening to those communities” Minister Haylen MP continued.
“The proposed bypass will provide an alternative for motorists and for heavy vehicles linking Thirlmere and Tahmoor with the Hume Highway via Picton Road. The aim of this project is to reduce transport through Picton, to reduce travelling times and improve reliability and also of course safety for road users”
“This will also improve safety for road users. It also aims to improve resilience in the road network in emergency events like floods and fires” concluded Minister Haylen MP.