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Community Recognition - Bodalla Yarning Circle

14th August, 2024.

June 14th 2024 saw the unveiling of the Bodalla Yarning Circle at Bonnie Cottage in Bargo. Located on Dharawhal land, the yarning circle was funded by NSW Government Youth Opportunities Program and is the place for the community to connect with each other, the land and the culture. The community spirit was strong on the opening day, and all present were moved by the contributions of those who made it possible. The dedication of Leann Dykes (Garingbal), Aboriginal Community Cultural Engagement Worker from Community Links Wellbeing, to teaching traditional dance and artwork to the school children was evident on the day with the youth conducting the smoking ceremony, the dances, playing the didgeridoo and an artwork display. Local elder Aunty Karen Adams warmly delivered Welcome to Country and The Lions Club of Tahmoor Inc. kept everybody fed by cooking the BBQ which included crocodile, kangaroo and emu. I am particularly buoyed by the connection that the youth of Wollondilly are showing to their Aboriginal culture. This Yarning Circle is a Community Links resource that can be accessed by anyone, and I am confident that it will form the backdrop to many meaningful conversations well into the future.