19th September, 2024.
Earth Flix 4 Change, an initiative of the Wingecarribee Shire Council, continues to inspire with its ongoing screenings, the latest of which is the powerful documentary 'The Koalas' at Bowral Cinemas. The screening was followed by short documentaries: South-East Koalas Film [LLS] and SH Koala Conservation Project [DCCEEW]. My congratulations and thanks go to producers and directors Georgia Wallace-Crabbe and Gregory Miller (Film Project) for bringing The Koalas documentary to such a wide audience. It highlights the plight of this endangered species, including the koala populations that Wollondilly is so well known for. This is a cause close to my heart, and I thank all advocating for the future of koalas for your hard work in all that you do in rescuing and caring for koalas, and fighting to preserve their natural habitat. We haven't turned the corner yet, but the hard work you all do for koalas and Australian wildlife helps to slow the destruction down. Never give up and I encourage everyone to see this documentary.