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Community Recognition - Knitting Nanas

6th June, 2024.

It was lovely to share a cuppa last week with the south‑west Sydney branch of Knitting Nannas. Those dedicated and passionate volunteers advocate for meaningful change. Their work in Wollondilly is focused on the community vision of a Great Koala National Park and saving the koalas of south-west Sydney, the last chlamydia-free koala population in New South Wales, which is facing extinction. Their advocacy extends to halting the logging of State forests, which has a devastating impact on koala habitat across New South Wales. The Knitting Nannas aim to bring attention to threats to the environment and ensure accountability for the destruction of our most valuable asset—our natural surrounds. They peacefully and productively protest for those who are unable to, such as those with illness, the elderly, the infirm, workers and people with young children. Their selfless giving and commitment to those causes will yield benefits for the next generation. Knitting Nannas are a non-political organisation that stand by their Nannafesto to annoy all politicians equally—keep it up. I thank them for the work they do for the cause of saving the land, air and water for the kiddies.