14th August, 2024.
Last Sunday I visited Hill Top and met with members of a small community who stood up for what they were promised. It was wonderful to see so many locals from Hill Top and the surrounding areas at the rail precinct, discussing the loop line upgrade project. This project will bring new and improved heritage train experiences to Wollondilly. I give a big thankyou to Transport Heritage NSW and the NSW Rail Museum for hosting such an informative and engaging session, connecting the community with the latest information about this important project. Ultimately, when complete, this will see the reopening of the loop line from Thirlmere to Colo Vale. I look forward to having trains ultimately stopping at Hill Top and having visitors come to see the improvements both State and local governments will provide for the town. I thank the Hill Top Community Association, that continues the advocacy for the completion of the project, and the dedicated NSW Rail Museum staff members for their passion for the heritage rail line that will put Wollondilly on the global map as being the home of steam.