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Community Recognition Statements - Wingecarribee Shire Council Environment Team

13th November, 2024.

The Wingecarribee Shire Council environment team has been nominated for the 2024 Local Government NSW Excellence in the Environment Awards for their work on the Southern Highlands Koala Conservation Project. The project Future Proofing Southern Highlands Koalas is up for an award in the Natural Environment Protection and Enhancement category. Ensuring the continuing of healthy and thriving koala colonies in Wollondilly is a matter I will always fight for, and the team is highly deserving of their nomination. This recognition comes as they celebrate their 10-year anniversary, with highlights including restoring koala habitats, conserving private lands, reducing vehicle strikes and engaging the community. The team has worked hard to protect koalas from threats like habitat loss, vehicle collisions, disease and climate change, and I am grateful for their dedication. The Southern Highlands Koala Conservation Project is a partnership between the council and the New South Wales Government, focused on koala research, monitoring and habitat conservation. The winners will be announced at the awards ceremony on Wednesday 4 December. I wish them the best of luck and thank them for their work.