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Community Recognition - Wollondilly Wombat Watch

26th September, 2024.

Wollondilly is such a unique place, with beautiful bush landscapes that form the backdrop to our peri-urban setting. However, the inevitable loss of habitat resulting from development means that our native flora and fauna pay the price. I am grateful, therefore, to groups like Wollondilly Wombat Watch, which look after the wildlife that we live alongside. Wollondilly Wombat Watch is dedicated to raising awareness of the wombats that live in our area, close to our homes and roads. It cares for the wombats that are too often victims of road accidents, juvenile wombats that are orphaned or those attacked by domestic animals. It is also helping to improve the health of wombat colonies by treating mites and mange, which pose serious threats to the Wollondilly wombat population, with interventions such as treated burrow flaps. The volunteers of the group donate their time and resources to making a difference to our native wildlife. Their advocacy has seen wombat signs installed on Cobbitty Bridge, and they are creating awareness about mange and promoting safer driving in known wildlife hotspots like Appin Road. My heartfelt thanks go to the Wollondilly Wombat Watch. Keep up the good fight.