18th September, 2024.
The 18th of August marks the annual Wollondilly RSL sub-branch Vietnam Veterans Day Service and this year's beautifully crafted service was held at the Thirlmere RSL Memorial Park. The moving ceremony included prayers, songs, laying of the wreaths, The Last Post, Reveille, Raising of the National Flag, and both the Australian and the South Vietnam Anthems. It was a fitting way to honour the lives of those who served. Rex Marshall AFSM, Wollondilly RSL sub-Branch Vice President read the much‑loved blessing:
May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again.
Thank you to all involved in the service including Wollondilly RSL sub-Branch; Barbara Edwards RFD JP, President, Rex Marshall AFSM, VP, Kristy Brown, sub-Branch Member, Michael Lynch, sub-Branch Treasurer, Christine Dunnell, sub-Branch Secretary and Chaplain, Steve Black. Wollondilly sub-Branch meetings are held 4th Sunday of each month, 10:00 am, at 1 Mason Street, Thirlmere, NSW. All Defence Service members and families are welcomed.