I am releasing a pre launch announcement for the benefit of media outlets who wish to cover this breaking story.
I am Judy Hannan, former Wollondilly Mayor and current Councillor and I will be running for office in the March 2023 NSW State Election, Wollondilly and the Southern Highlands.
I ran in the last election and came within just 5% of the 50% tallied preference vote to win the seat.
This time I feel that I am in a better position to take the seat.
The launch event will occur at:
Location: Mittagong RSL Club (Ground floor, behind the cafe)
Cnr Hume Hwy & Bessemer St, Mittagong, NSW 2575
Date: Saturday the 10th December, 2022
Time: 10.30am
There are so many major issues that are impacting on our community. The residents of this electorate are concerned by issues such as the lack of delivery of the Picton Bypass, the urban over-development and without thought towards sustainability, lack of services and major infrastructure. The Liberal’s policy about raising Warragamba Dam Wall, of which I am vehemently opposed to the raising of the dam wall, all of which is a few of the many reasons why we need an alternative voice!
I am running as an Independent and says politics is better without the parties.
Community consultation is key when making decisions for our community and representing us in the state parliament.
I want the community of Wollondilly and the Southern Highland’s views to be central to all decisions in State Parliament about their community.
All press are welcome to hear the announcement and ask questions.
Judy Hannan
Independent for Wollondilly and the Southern Highlands.