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News - Budget 2024-25

18 June 2024

NSW State Budget 2024-25 Summary Judy Hannan MP, Member for Wollondilly

My speech and reaction to the 2024-25 Budget is below. For more information regarding the 2024-25 Budget visit:

I rise today to speak on a number of items in the budget and some projects I am so glad to see come to fruition, but also some items that are in great need that require some more work.

Wollondilly is a beautiful area, an area sometimes forgotten due to the lack of transport and being just that far from the city that we seem to always not be eligible for metro funding and often we can’t go for regional funding either.

With this in mind my team and I set about our requests to the Government to try bridge the gap of the lack of infrastructure that we have had to live with for decades. The job is monumental, I can tell you the scores of projects cut down to a small list on what is ready to go is no easy task. But I believe my team struck this balance right, even if we didn't get all we were after.

Many years ago in my second term of Council we had the unfortunate run of deaths of motorists on Picton Road. Around my Council table we debated what to ask both State and Federal Government. Thankfully the Council aimed high, we demanded a separation along the road and this started a project which is still funded today. Thankfully there has been a drop in accidents and fatalities since then and the $89.3 Million for the bifurcation and separation of Picton Road through upgrades is well spent.

As former Mayor I tabled one of the largest petitions gathered ever in Wollondilly for protection for Koalas. During that time we were lucky enough to get a few minutes, barely over 100 seconds or so is what it felt like what was spoken here in this place on the matter. Well today, I have added over $100 million for Koalas including safety upgrades for crossings of $26.7 million, something that is needed right now. We also have the Georges River Koala National Park and as Chair of Parliamentary Friends of Koalas, I am excited to see this established for future generations to protect arguably the cutest residents of Wollondilly.

Wollondilly is also home to many idyllic sports grounds that are overlooked by bushland and hills. Unfortunately these sports grounds are often under-resourced and I am very pleased that two sports grounds have found an increase of funding after my requests. Both Warragamba Sportsground and Dudley Chesham will receive $5.2 million each on upgrades. These upgrades will give a boost to the local clubs that are much needed and will free up funding and resources now to complete the work needed in Thirlmere that Council has identified, including providing the hall they have funding for from West Connex. Without of course ripping up the Thirlmere tennis courts, I also hope this will lead to Council listening to the community and their needs in all of the Wollondilly Shire Council area townships.

There is no funding for a High School, that conversation is ongoing but I welcome the announcement of the new Wilton Junction Public School and the Upgrades to the Wilton School. I also welcome the commencement of this work which we are yet to see.

While not as glamorous, I also look forward to seeing the upgrade of the $88.7 million spent on the Picton Tahmoor Sewer Treatment Works. These works don’t increase the growth capacity, it just meets the target and estimated need approved by the former Government in one small section of my community. There is a deficit of over $1 billion and I am hopeful the discussions with Government and Developers will lead to a better outcome.

Our final big ticket item and one I know so many care about is the Picton Bypass. The finalisation of the study during this term at the cost of $18.3 million will frustrate many. It frustrates me that this work was not done prior, no plans, no money and nothing but novelty cheques in the past. Today the amount in the budget is testament to hard work and not giving up. With this funding the project moves another step to completion and I cannot wait to turn dirt on this necessary piece of infrastructure.

There are some opportunities that I think are overlooked. The budget identifies over $300 million for bus services between Campbelltown and the new Western Sydney, but this overlooks the growth in Wollondilly. The connection for the growth area is logical, 20 minutes from the airport but no chance to work there is ridiculous and I look forward to the new bus services which must come with growth. 

Finally, investing in services to reduce domestic family violence is welcomed, it has been called for by all voices in this place. But without any details on where, how and if this will be funded in the regions is not what we need. We need more services in Wollondilly and I will be working more in this space in the years to come.

Summary of the budget items relevant specifically to Wollondilly

$89.3 Million - Bifurcation and upgrade of Picton Road
$88.7 Million - Upgrade to Picton Sewer Treatment Plant
$65.0 Million - Planning for roads including South West Sydney and Wilton
$58.2 Million - Warragamba Dam Upgrade
$52.8 Million - Koala Strategy support and improve conservation
$47.9 Million - Georges River Koala National Park
$18.3 Million - Finalisation of planning of the Picton Bypass
$12.0 Million - Bowral and District Hospital Redevelopment Stage 2
$6.6 Million - Bowral Water Treatment Plant
$5.2 Million - Warragamba Oval Upgrade
$5.2 Million - The Oaks Dudley Chesham Oval Upgrade
$0.7 Million - Safety Fences at Douglas Park Bridge and Pheasants Nest Bridge
New Wilton Junction Primary School
Upgrade to Wilton Public School

Other budget items relevant to Wollondilly and the region

$327.1 Million - New bus services connecting Campbelltown and the New Western Sydney International Airport
$245.6 Million - Increased to funding to reduce domestic and family violence
$147.2 Million - Widening of Appin Road at Menangle Park
$79 Million - Campbelltown Arts Centre flexible gallery, community, workshop and artist studios
$16.7 Million - Sport and Health Centre at Leumeah in partnership with Macarthur Bulls, Western Sydney University, West Tigers and South-West Sydney Academy of Sport
$15.0 Million - Spring Farm Parkway Stage 2
$0.6 Million - Upgrade to Australian Botanic Gardens Mount Annan

Ongoing funding and other major ongoing funding projects

$408.289 Million - Continued Development of Rail Service Improvements
$224.5 - Regional Road Funding for Councils (Estimated $2 Million Wollondilly Council, $1.8 Million Wingecarrbiee Council)
$79 Million - Continued funding of the $500 Million Fixing Country Bridges
$44.347 Million - Continued commitment to $200 Australian Government towards roads clinked to Western Sydney Airport
$13.840 Million - Continued assistance to transport disadvantaqaged due to physical, social or geographic factors
$9.316 Million - Continued funding of Transport Heritage NSW (THNSW) which runs Thirlmere Rail Museum
$6.467 Million - Continue upgrade of Picton Road between Nepean River and the M1 Princes Motorway
$5.017 Million - Continue improve heavy vehicle rest stops across Retgional NSW
$5 Million - Start planning for upgrades to sections of Hume Highway, Cowpasture Road, Camden Valley Way and Menangle Road
$0.255 Million - 9 School Crossing Supervisors for State Electorate