independent 2023 column
Promote Real Infrastructure
"At no cost to government" is the repetitive reply to all requests for vital infrastructure for the current and future needs of the residents of Wollondilly and the Southern Highlands. It is not good enough. Roads, hospitals, schools and public transport!
For the past 20 years the Picton bypass has been planned and re planned but there is no sign it will ever be delivered. No town should have to rely on a one lane bridge and a tunnel to get from one side to the other.
The government (of both persuasions) at every election cycle do an expensive study on the Bypass but what do we have to show for the money spent and the promises…..nothing.
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This is because of the erroneous policy of development being at no cost to government.
Rather than a government using our taxes to provide public infrastructure to support current residents and promote economic growth we see promises of infrastructure being funded by developer contribution at the lowest possible cost they can get away with.